Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Enough is not Enough here!!!

Enough is enough.........but it seems like enough is not enough in this country. A peace loving state like Orissa and Karnataka has become communal because of some unwanted elements in our community. These violators of law and order call themselves protector of hinduism. Boss! I am also a Hindu and proud to be an hindu......but I can never keep my head high if people like the bajrang dal and others continue to attack other religeon and their followers. I can never tollerate looking at a shiva temple broken by christians..... how can you expect them to see  a broken idol of the GOD and keep quite? 

whats your justification! converson? if so, then there are lot many peaceful ways of fighting it. Force the Govt. to bring in an anti converson lawa or something like that......but please do not kill people and attack churches....and still continue to be called a hindu. A hindu is who never gets into violence......believes in all form of God, respects all religeon and accepts all with love and care. Please dont change this..........


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