Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Left Right Left!

The hottest news of India from last one week is all about the Indo- US nuke deal and the future of the UPA govt in Delhi. This drama has actually surpassed the popular Arushi murder case of Noida. Every day there are some new twists into the story of the nuke deal, all of us know its no longer only about the impact on India as a nation, its allabout the impact on the Govt in the center. The UPA govt which has just completed its fourth year in power has actually gone through lots of up and downs.... Their first priority " the common minimum program" is no where in pcture now....media reports have exposed the failure in implementating the NREGS as compared to the NDA rulled states. Aam admi vima yojna, a shceme to insure the poor is a huge failure as the potential benificiaries do not know what a vima is, thats why even there are more than 2lakh registrations, there is not a single claim in last 2 years....

Inflation is about cross 12%, a figure highest in last 15 years. The aam admi is in trouble but the Govt is claiming to reach 9% growth in the fiscal year....no idea who is growing??? Oil prices have increased by double in last 5/6 years, ok lets blame the OPEC and international crude oil price rise for that.....but what about the food crisis at home? Our agricultural minister is proudly publicising the achievement of Indian farmers.....for over production, then why is inflation there???? Does he knows that he is responsible for the farmers first then the cricketers???

Left paties......no idea are they true Indians or not. They have no problems if India has nuclear deal with China but have problem with the US. They seem to be still in the ancient marxist time.... Truely they are not eligible to be called Indians..... forget about ruling the country. They are the biggest hurdle for the development of India. If Dr. Manmohan Singh is trying to do some thing better,,,,,,the left has problem. Its because if there is no poverty then there will be no issue for them to fight election and fool the poor people........ Biggest idiots on Indian soil is Mr. Praksah Karat whi is opposing the deal without going through the details. Whats his problem? Why is he in politics??? If he thinks so much about poor people he wouldn`t have using the luxuries of life. They have totaly paralised the UPA govt from taking any decision on the nuke deal. Threatning the Govt has been their main job from last 2 years.

Request to Indian voters.....please dont give a factured mandate so that idiots like Karata and his partymen can play with our national interest. They are lterally making the Govt move left right left each and every day!!!

Despite of the fact that there is no chance of compromise with the left on the nuke deal......the UPA govt has changed its priority to save the Govt than to save the deal. We are very clear about the future of the deal after Bush administration in US. India will not get a better deal like this even if goes through in the next senate on US.

The UPA govt should go ahead with the deal and break ties with the left. Mr.Prime minister should understand that the people of India are with him on the deal. NDA and BJP are also playing a dirty game on this issue. If they are the true patriots, they shouldn`t oppose the deal. Infact the Vajpayee Govt only started the discussion on the deal with the US and now they are opposing it only not to see a UPA brand on it.

This multiparty politics will kill India`s interest one day. Nobdoy is bothered about the interest of common man today and are busy fighting for their own interest.

An rule in Madhya Pradesh has enabled and empowered to recall the elected representatives of the Panchyat in the middle of the term if the representative seems to be unfit for the position. That rule should be replictaed for all positions and all institutions from Panchayat to parliament all over India. It will create fear in the mind of politicians and may stop them doing monopoly after getting elected. According to Mr. Ravishankar Prasad of BJP, if the rule comes there will be elections every year in India. My view is let their be election every year.......no problem, we will loose money right!! are we not loosing money and time by electing the corrupted people to institutions???

Lets loose money , lets vote every year if required but we want right people for right position.......then only India can be a developped nation. I am sure no political party will agree to this but thats what the need of time is.

Hope despite of the threat from the left, Mrs. Gandhi and Dr. Singh will take their only brave step to ensure India`s bnational interest.

Jay Hind

Following are the key aspects of the Indo-US civil nuclear deal:

* The agreement not to hinder or interfere with India's nuclear programme for military purposes.

* US will help India negotiate with the IAEA for an India-specific fuel supply agreement.

* Washington will support New Delhi develop strategic reserves of nuclear fuel to guard against future disruption of supply.

* In case of disruption, US and India will jointly convene a group of friendly supplier countries to include nations like Russia, France and the UK to pursue such measures to restore fuel supply.

* Both the countries agree to facilitate nuclear trade between themselves in the interest of respective industries and consumers.

* India and the US agree to transfer nuclear material, non-nuclear material, equipment and components.

* Any special fissionable material transferred under the agreement shall be low enriched uranium.

* Low enriched uranium can be transfered for use as fuel in reactor experiments and in reactors for conversion or fabrication.

* The ambit of the deal include research, development, design, construction, operation, maintenance and use of nuclear reactors, reactor experiments and decommissioning.

* The US will have the right to seek return of nuclear fuel and technology but it will compensate for the costs incurred as a consequence of such removal.

* India can develop strategic reserve of nuclear fuel to guard against any disruption of supply over the lifetime of its reactors.

* Agreement provides for consultations on the circumstances, including changed security environment, before termination of the nuclear cooperation.

* Provision for one-year notice period before termination of the agreement.

* The US to engage Nuclear Suppliers Group to help India obtain full access to the international fuel market, including reliable, uninteruppted and continual access to fuel supplies from firms in several nations.

* The US will have the right to seek return of nuclear fuel and technology.

* In case of return, Washington will compensate New Delhi promptly for the "fair market value thereof" and the costs incurred as a consequence of such removal.

* Both the countries to set up a Joint Committee for implementation of the civil nuclear agreement and development of further cooperation in this field.

* The agreement grants prior consent to reprocess spent fuel.

* Sensitive nuclear technology, nuclear facilities and major critical components can be transferred after amendment to the agreement.

* India will establish a new national facility dedicated to reprocessing safeguarded nuclear material under IAEA safeguards.

* Nuclear material and equipment transferred to India by the US would be subject to safeguards in perpetuity....

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Environment Vs World!

Reduction in carbon footprint of the world’ is the theme of the world environment day 2008. But the big question is why this question arise? We keep on exploiting the environment and conventional natural resources the whole year and celebrate environment day on 5th june to show, how concerned are we about the environment around us! Isn`t it like cheating to self? In fact it is.

We are cheating ourselves. But how long more? The environment has started reacting strongly. Take example of China earthquake, Mynmar Cyclone or even the tsunami a couple of years ago which took thousands of life and left millions roofless. The economic and social impact of these natural disasters are clearly visible in forms of various problems. Still we like to sleep on teak wood beds and still we like to cut trees in the name of infrastructure development.

See the enclosed picture. Its taken today near my office in JP Nagar, Bangalore they are cutting trees for constructing underpass which will ease traffic and decrease the travel time to the Bangalore international airport. Tell me who is benefiting and who is suffering ??

We are going on and going on creating questions for our next generations. The problem is at the cost of the whole world, we are benefitting a smaller part of the population.

Continuous hike in price of crude oil in international market has forced the richer world to think about alternatives. Please note here that “its not the environment concern which has forced Automobile giants like the GM to shut down their SUV plant in the US and go for fuel efficient car production” it’s the concern about decreasing demand caused by fuel price hike. What if they have taken the decision a decade back?

A news in the time of India today attracted my sight this morning that “Airlines may treat passengers like baggage”. Some international airlines are thinking to decide the fare of individual passengers based on their weight. Impact of fuel price hike!

Indian Govt. has started rationing LPG cylinders – 8 per family per year and any additional one will cost them double the existing price. Petrol is Rs.5 more and Diesel is Rs.3 more. When are we going to wake up and take a stand? Time is running out of hand and we cant really afford to take more time to act.

For example an electric scooter, an electric car and a solar/battery operated cycle can not only decrease the CO2 emission but also ease the traffic in the city so that minimizing construction of more flyovers and under passes leading to less deforestation. It will also save money from our fuel expenses. Using CFLs instead of normal electric bulbs may save thousands kilometers of land from coming under dams and may decrease our social problems as well. Using efficient machineries, computers etc in our factories and offices can save some money and at the same time can create a space to breathe clean air. Even using water, electricity, petrol LPG etc little carefully and responsibly can also alp our lovely planet earth to be ever beautiful .

Please wake up and start acting. Lets not make this day “the world environment day” as another day for celebration. Lets act and make each and every day to protect the environment around us.

Happy Environment Day!
Prasanta Biswal